- American Staffordshire Terrier vs Pitbull
American Staffordshire Terrier compared to Pitbull Terrier

American Staffordshire Terrier vs Pitbull

Dog breed comparison between American Staffordshire Terrier and American Pit Bull Terrier. Differences and similarities between these medium sized dog breeds.

Difference between American Staffordshire Terrier and Pitbull Terrier

American Staffordshire Terrier vs Pitbull Terrier grooming

American Staffordshire Terrier vs Pit Bull Terrier lifespan

American Staffordshire Terrier vs Pitbull Terrier size

American Staffordshire Terrier vs Pit Bull Terrier shedding

American Staffordshire Terrier vs Pit Bull Terrier price

American Staffordshire Terrier vs Pitbull Terrier temperament

Pit Bull Terrier and American Staffordshire Terrier compared: origin

American Staffordshire Terrier compared to Pit Bull Terrier: good with kids

American Staffordshire Terrier vs Pit Bull Terrier companion dogs

Pitbull Terrier versus American Staffordshire Terrier other dogs

American Staffordshire Terrier vs Pit Bull Terrier intelligence

American Staffordshire Terrier vs Pit Bull Terrier trainability

American Staffordshire Terrier vs Pit Bull Terrier barking

American Staffordshire Terrier compared to Pitbull Terrier: exercise needs

American Staffordshire Terrier vs Pit Bull Terrier health issues

American Staffordshire Terrier vs Pitbull Terrier behavior problems

AmStaff Terrier versus Pit Bull Terrier popularity

Pitbull vs American Staffordshire Terrier loyalty to the owner

American Staffordshire Terrier vs Pit Bull Terrier
American Staffordshire Terrier
Comparison between American Staffordshire and Pit Bull terriers
Pitbull Terrier vs American Staffordshire Terrier
Pit Bull Terrier

American Staffordshire Terrier vs Pit Bull Terrier

American Staffordshire Terrier and Pitbull Terrier share many things in common. Fighting ancestry left a lasting imprint on the temperaments of these willful and strong dogs. Both breeds require early socialization and an experienced handler that can bring the best qualities in these breeds. In the wrong hands, either an American Staffordshire or Pitbull Terriers can potentially become dangerous dogs. Poor public image as well as refusal of many insurance companies to consider either of these breeds are among the things that the two breeds have in common.

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The comparison between the American Staffordshire Terrier (AST) and the term "Pit Bull Terrier" requires clarification, as "Pit Bull Terrier" is often used as a generic term that may refer to several breeds, including the American Pit Bull Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, and sometimes the American Staffordshire Terrier. In this context, let's focus on comparing the American Staffordshire Terrier and the American Pit Bull Terrier, two distinct but closely related breeds.

Physical Appearance:

American Staffordshire Terrier (AST): The AST is a medium-sized, muscular dog with a well-defined head, strong jaws, and a short coat. They have a powerful and agile build, and their ears may be cropped or left natural. Their appearance is athletic and well-proportioned.

American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT): The APBT is also a medium-sized and muscular breed, known for its strength and agility. They have a more varied appearance, but common features include a strong jaw, short coat, and a broad head. Ear cropping is less common in APBTs.


American Staffordshire Terrier (AST): ASTs are known for their loyalty, intelligence, and affectionate nature. They are often described as good-natured and reliable, with a strong desire to please their owners. Proper socialization and training are crucial for bringing out their best qualities.

American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT): APBTs are characterized by their loyalty, intelligence, and friendly disposition. They are known for being excellent family dogs when raised in a positive environment. Like ASTs, proper training and socialization are essential to ensure a well-behaved pet.


American Staffordshire Terrier (AST): The AST was developed in the United States and is a part of the American Pit Bull Terrier family. Over time, breed standards and selective breeding have led to the development of the AST as a separate breed, recognized by kennel clubs.

American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT): The APBT has a longer history and was initially bred for bull-baiting and later as catch dogs for cattle. They share common ancestry with the AST but have been developed independently.

It's important to note that both breeds have faced stigmatization and misconceptions due to irresponsible ownership and media portrayal. Responsible ownership, proper training, and socialization are crucial for any dog breed, including the American Staffordshire Terrier and the American Pit Bull Terrier, to thrive as well-behaved and balanced companions.

Similarities between AmStaff and Pit Bull breeds include fighting past. Dogs with fighting past require a specific type of an owner, who can earn the respect and be the leader in the relationship with the family pet. Although many families with children enjoy American Staffordshire Terriers and Pit Bull Terriers as family pets, most experts warn against getting one of these breeds as a family pet until the kids are older and are able to handle and have full control over the powerful and willful four legged friend.

AmStaffs and Pitbulls should be trained starting at an early age, while the dog is still flexible and eager to learn. Although both of these breeds can be trained as adults, American Staffordshire Terriers and Pitbull terrier puppies are easier to train while the dog is still young. Using positive training techniques that include appropriate motivation will not only help to raise a well behaved dog, but will also help to establish a mutual trust and a strong bond between the owner and the dog.

Despite many similarities, AmStaff and Pitbull have some differences. Differences between American Staffordshire Terriers and Pitbull terriers are described below:

American Staffordshire Terrier vs Pit Bull Terrier: Grooming

AmStaff and Pitbull Terriers both have a short coat that is easy to care for. A weekly brushing with a firm bristle brush to remove the dead hairs will keep the dog's coat healthy. American Staffordshire Terriers and Pitbull Terriers need their nails trimmed once a month. Daily grooming for both of these breeds includes daily teeth brushing. Eye stains need to be gently removed.

AmStaff vs Pitbull: Lifespan

Pitbulls and American Staffordshire Terriers usually live up to 14 years. Many factors can affect a dog's lifespan. Overall health, care, diet, lifestyle and other factors affect a dog's longevity.

American Staffordshire Terrier vs Pit Bull Terrier: Size

American Pit Bull Terriers are on average slightly smaller in height and in weight than American Staffordshire Terriers.

American Staffordshire Terrier male weight: 57 to 67 lb (26 to 30 kg)
American Pit Bull Terrier male weight: 35 to 66 lb (16 to 30 kg)

American Staffordshire Terrier male height: 18 to 19 in (46 to 48 cm)
American Pit Bull Terrier male height: 16 to 22 in (43 to 56 cm)

American Staffordshire Terrier vs Pit Bull Terrier: Shedding

American Pitbulls and American Staffordshire Terriers are light shedders. Both breeds feature a short coat (about half an inch long) that is easy to care for in comparison to many other dog breeds.

American Staffordshire Terrier vs Pit Bull Terrier: Price

The average price for a Pitbull Terrier is around $900, while the average price for American Staffordshire Terrier is about $750. A price for a puppy is determined by many factors. For example, dogs with a well known pedigree can cost thousands of dollars per puppy.

American Staffordshire Terrier vs Pit Bull Terrier: Temperament

Fighting dogs in the past, American Staffordshire Terrier and Pitbull Terriers share many similarities in their temperaments. Both breeds are brave and loyal, intelligent and responsive. AmStaffs and Pitbulls are protective over their owners and can be aggressive when not properly socialized from a young age. Determination and willfullness are present in the characters of both these strong minded dog breeds.

Pit Bull vs. American Staffordshire Terrier: Country of breed origin

American Staffordshire Terrier breed was developed in the United States.
The ancestors of Staffordshire Terrier Breed came from the Great Britain.

Good with kids: American Staffordshire Terrier vs Pit Bull Terrier

Powerful and strong dogs such as the American Staffordshire Terrier or Pitbull Terrier have a fighting past which needs to be taken into consideration before deciding to get a family pet. Young kids and toddlers may not have the understanding that is required when handling a dominant and potentially aggressive breed, therefore these two breeds are not recommended for families with young children. Families with young children often do not have the time that is necessary to socialize, train and exercise a demanding breed such as the AmStaff or Pitbull Terrier which can lead to all kinds of behavior problems in a dog.

American Staffordshire Terrier vs Pit Bull Terrier: Companion dogs

American Staffordshire Terriers and Pitbull Terriers can make good companions for owners who have a great deal of experience with either of these dog breeds. Potential owners must be confident and fully committed to many years of training, socializing and exercising their pet. Novice dog owners or potential owners with little experience handling a willful and powerful dog breed will run into many issues and can put themselves or others in a harm's way by not being able to control a strong and potentially aggressive dog. Dog shelters are full of wonderful dogs that weren't properly socialized and trained and ended up being abandoned because the owners had no time or desire to put into the dog. Behavior and psychological problems in dogs are often the result of incompetent owners that are unable to handle the breed.

Good with other dogs: American Staffordshire Terrier vs Pit Bull Terrier

Owners of AmStaffs and Pitbulls need to exercise extreme caution when letting their pet interact with other dogs or pets. Either of these fighting dogs in the past are not recommended for households with other pets. When provoked by other dogs, American Staffordshire Terrier or Pit Bull terrier will accept the challenge. Level of socialization depends of each individual dog (how much time the owner spent getting the puppy comfortable around other dogs) determines how good the dog is around other dogs.

American Staffordshire Terrier vs Pit Bull Terrier: Intelligence

Both breeds are intelligent and in the right hands can be well behaved and loyal family pets. Not all Pitbull Terriers are equal in terms of intelligence, just like not all AmStaffs are equal in intelligence when compared to other dogs of the same breed. Due to these variations within each breed, intelligence level needs to be tested on individual dogs to make a reasonable estimation. Owners can help their dogs develop intelligence from puppyhood by providing the dog with interactive toys and by playing various mind stimulating games with their pet.

American Staffordshire Terrier vs Pitbull Terrier: Trainability

AmStaffs and Pitbulls can be trained to a high standard by a professional dog trainer or by a very experienced owner. These aren't the easiest breeds to train as there's a strong and determined temperament present in both breeds. Pitbulls and American Staffordshire Terriers both need a firm and confident leadership. Cruelty or very tough treatment do not produce good training results with these breeds. The trainer needs to be consistent, patient and able to find the right motivation for each individual dog. Most AmStaffs and Pitbulls respond well to praise and motivational training.

American Staffordshire Terrier vs Pitbull Terrier: Barking

American Staffordshire Terriers and Pitbull Terriers are on the same level when it comes to barking. Both breeds will bark when there's an underlying cause. Barking can become an issue if any dog is left alone frequently and is bored.

American Staffordshire Terrier vs Pitbull Terrier: Exercise needs

Getting enough exercise every day is important for both breeds. These strong and active dogs enjoy walking and running around a fenced area. It is important to provide either an AmStaff or Pitbull Terriers with not only physical but also mental stimulation such as training and playtime. Always keep the dog leashed in public areas.

Health issues: American Staffordshire Terrier vs Pitbull Terrier

Both breeds are generally healthy. Health issues associated with AmStaffs or Pitbull Terriers include hip dysplasia, eye problems, heart problems, skin disorders and an inherited disorder of the nervous system (ataxia). Bloat can also be an issue.

American Staffordshire Terrier versus Pitbull Terrier: Dog behavior issues

When bored or left alone often, both breeds will exhibit problem behaviors such as barking, chewing on things other than his chewable toys, scratching or ripping furniture and other problem dog behaviors. Most dogs will exhibit destructive behaviors if left alone with nothing to do. When any companion dog is left alone frequently, the dog may develop depression or other psychological issues as human companionship is very important for both of these breeds.

Inexperienced owners may face many behavior issues that dominant breeds such as AmStaff and Pitbulls may develop in the wrong hands. Due to the fighting past some dogs can develop aggression problems especially when the less experienced owner does not socialize the dog properly from an early age.

If you do need to step out and leave either a Pitbull Terrier or AmStaff Terrier dog alone for an hour or so, consider providing the dog with a safe, chewable toy that the dog can play with while you are not around. Be sure to check the toy for any small parts that the dog can accidentally bite off and swallow.

AmStaff or Pitbull terrier owners have an option to crate train their dog to keep the pet out of trouble while the owner is not around to supervise the dog.

Pitbull Terrier versus American Staffordshire Terrier: Popularity

American Staffordshire Terrier takes 81th place in popularity ranking in the United States, according to AKC.

Pitbull Terriers versus American Staffordshire Terriers: Loyalty to the owner

Pitbull Terrier and American Staffordshire Terrier are loyal and naturally protective of their owners. They are happiest when spending time with their families.

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