- Coton De Tulear vs Maltese
Maltese versus Coton De Tulear

Coton De Tulear vs Maltese

Dog breed comparison between Maltese and Coton De Tulear dog breeds. Differences and similarities between Coton De Tulear and Maltese.

Breed comparison beetween Maltese and Coton De Tulear

Maltese Coton De Tulear mix

Maltese vs Coton De Tulear grooming

Maltese vs Coton De Tulear lifespan

Maltese vs Coton De Tulear size

Maltese vs Coton De Tulear shedding

Maltese vs Coton De Tulear price

Maltese vs Coton De Tulear temperament

Maltese vs. Coton De Tulear origin

Maltese vs Coton De Tulear good with kids

Maltese vs Coton De Tulear companion dogs

Coton De Tulear versus Maltese other dogs

Maltese vs Coton De Tulear intelligence

Maltese vs Coton De Tulear trainability

Maltese vs Coton De Tulear barking

Maltese vs Coton De Tulear exercise needs

Coton De Tulear vs Maltese health issues

Maltese vs Coton De Tulear behavior problems

Maltese vs Coton De Tulear popularity

Maltese vs Coton De Tulear
Maltese pros and cons

Comparison between Maltese and Coton De Tulear breeds
Coton De Tulear vs Maltese
Coton De Tulear pros and cons

Coton De Tulear vs Maltese

The most noticeable difference between Coton De Tulear and the Maltese dog is the size. Maltese dogs are much smaller in size than Coton De Tulear. While a Maltese can weigh up to 8 pounds, Coton De Tulear dogs weigh up to 15 pounds (almost twice as much as a Maltese). Coton De Tulear dogs, just like the Maltese are very affectionate towards their owners. These small breeds are playful and need a loving owner, who doesn't mind the extensive grooming needs and can spend most of the time with the pet. Maltese and Cotons can be easily confused by someone who is not very familiar with these breeds. White coat color is one of the similar physical traits that Maltese share with Coton De Tulear. Maltese dogs are always white in color while Cotons can be white, or white with markings. Coton De Tulear and Maltese breeds are considered hypoallergenic. Both breeds have soft hair rather than coat and the hair is similar to human hair because it continuously grows and produces minimal shedding. Although Cotons and Malteses lose a few hairs every day just like humans, there is no seasonal shedding associated with either a Maltese or Coton and the amount of hair that falls out daily is minimal in comparison to many other dog breeds. Coton De Tulear and Maltese owners have to brush their dog's hair frequently to maintain the beautiful coat and to remove any tangles that may quickly form if the dog's hair is neglected. Grooming needs are above average and very similar for Cotons and Malteses.

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Which breed makes a better family pet a Maltese or Coton De Tulear? Although both of these breeds are great companion pets, Maltese dogs are much more fragile and significantly smaller in size than a more sturdy Coton De Tulear. The tiny size can make a dog more vulnerable to being stepped on or to being accidentally hurt during playtime with young kids or toddlers. Families with young kids may find Coton De Tulear a more appropriate breed of the two because they are larger and not as fragile as tiny Malteses.

How much exercise do Malteses and Coton De Tulear breeds require? To keep either of these breeds in best mental and physical shape, both breeds benefit from several daily walks and some playtime. Both, the Maltese and Coton De Tulear may not be the easiest breeds to housetrain, but with patience and consistent approach either of these breeds can be successfully housetrained. Obedience training should start early and training methods should not be harsh as Maltese and Cotons can be sensitive. Positive, reward-based training techniques work best for both, the Maltese and Coton De Tulear.

Are Maltese and Coton De Tulear dogs suitable for apartment living? Both breeds are adaptable and can be comfortable living in an apartment as long as the owners provide the dog with daily walks and healthy energy outlets such as playtime.

Compare Maltese to Coton De Tulear breeds in detail.

Maltese and Coton De Tulear Mix (also known as Cotonese)

A cross between a Maltese and Coton De Tulear breeds is often referred to as Cotonese. Coton and Maltese mix dogs feature white or white with markings coat that is silky and soft. In size, Cotonese dogs can reach from 7 to 15 pounds. Maltese and Coton De Tulear Mix dogs are wonderful companion pets that are sociable, playful and affectionate towards their owners. Maltese Cotton De Tulear cross dogs make great companions for families with older kids as well as for older people and retirees who have a lot of time to spend on grooming and caring for a family pet.

Maltese vs Coton De Tulear: Grooming

Maltese and Coton De Tulear breeds are demanding in terms of grooming. Potential owners need to be prepared to regularly brush the dog's coat, brush the dog's teeth, learn to clip the dog's hair at home or take the Maltese or Coton to a professional groomer, which can be expensive. Both breeds tend to have eye stains that may appear around the dog's eyes. Eye stains can be removed with a gentle eye stain remover for dogs. To make grooming sessions comfortable for both the owner and the dog, Malteses and Cotons need to start learning to accept grooming early in life. Start brushing the puppy's hair while the dog is still young and easier to train. Reward good behavior with some treats so that your Maltese or Coton De Tulear can associate being groomed with a positive experience.

Maltese grooming tutorial

Maltese versus Coton De Tulear: Lifespan

Maltese life expectancy is up to 16 years, while Coton De Tulear can live up 19 or even 20 years of age. Genetics, lifestyle, diet and health play an important role in determining how long a Maltese or Coton De Tulear dog will live.

Coton De Tulear vs Maltese: Size

Maltese is one of the smallest breeds, weighig up to 8 pounds. Coton De Tulear, in comparison, is a larger dog breed that can reach up to 16 pounds in weight. Despite many similarities in appearance, the difference in sizes makes these breeds easy to distinguish. Compare Coton and Maltese sizes in detail.

Maltese male weight: 6 to 8 lb (3 to 4 kg)
Coton De Tulear male weight: 9 to 15 lb (4 to 6.8 kg)

Maltese male height: 8 to 10 inches (21 to 25 cm)
Coton De Tulear male height: 10 to 11 inches (25 to 28 cm)

When compared in size, Coton De Tulear is taller and weighs more than a Maltese dog.

Maltese vs Coton: Shedding

Just like the Maltese, Coton De Tuear breed is known to be a non-shedding dog breed. Non-shedding breeds such as Malteses and Cotons have a very minimal amount of hair that falls out every day. Low shedding amount does not mean that these dogs don't need to be brushed. In fact, brushing a Coton De Tulear and the Maltese daily helps to keep the dog's hair in best condition and without tangles that tend to form around a dead hair that fell out. Regular brushing helps to remove any dead hair and to keep tangles from forming. Both breeds are high maintenance and need monthly hair trims combined with daily brushing to maintain the coat healthy and beautiful.

Coton De Tulear vs Maltese: Price

Maltese dog prices average around $1,000 per puppy. Coton De Tulear breed is not as common as Maltese and as a result prices may be slightly higher for Coton dogs. Expect to spend more money for a Maltese or Coton De Tulear with a well known pedigree or for a show dog. Prices may differ depending on many factors such as the dog's age, pedigree, training and so on.

Maltese vs Coton De Tulear: Temperament

As companion dogs, Maltese and Coton De Tulear are sociable, playful and love to get as much attention as possible from their owners. Maltese can be more clingy in comparison to Coton De Tulear dogs and separation anxiety can be an issue for this breed. Cotons easily adopt to their living conditions and are happy as long as they can enjoy as much time as possible with their owners. Coton De Tulear and Maltese breeds enjoy interacting with their owners and bring lots of positive emotions with their sweet, lively and playful temperament.

Coton De Tulear versus Maltese: Country of breed origin

Coton De Tulear breed was developed on the Island of Madagascar.
Maltese dogs originally come from the Island of Malta.

Good with kids: Maltese vs Coton De Tulear

Families with young children who are choosing between a Maltese or Coton De Tulear as a family dog should consider the dog's size. Maltese breed is small and fragile, which can make this breed vulnerable around young kids that may accidentally hurt the small pet. Coton De Tulear breed is more suitable due to a larger size and sturdier built.

Families with small kids need to also consider the amount of time that Maltese and Cotons require in terms of grooming as these breeds are high maintenance and need a dedicated owner who can either groom the dog at home or take the pet to the professional dog groomer monthly.

Regardless of which breed a family with chilren may choose, parents need to teach children to treat a family dog with respect. A dog is not a toy and kids need to be taught to leave the dog alone when the pet is eating or resting. Never get a dog with the expectation that a child will be solely responsible for taking care of the family pet. Kids tend to forget to feed the pet or to give the dog fresh water. Children do not know how to care for a dog that is not feeling well and ultimately the adults in the family are the ones who need to be in charge of feeding, walking and taking care of the new furry family member. Kids can help with doing all the pet related chores, but it is the adult or adults in the family who take on the burden of caring for the pet on a daily basis.

Maltese vs Coton De Tulear: Companion dogs

Maltese as well as Coton De Tulear dogs are essentially small companion dogs that are affectionate and loyal towards their owners. Both of these breeds need to be around their family most of the time and aren't appropriate for people who are at work most of the day and can't spend more than a few hours with either a Coton or a Maltese. Retirees and people who work from home may be the most suitable owners who can give the small companion pet plenty of love and time. Maltese and Coton puppies need to be potty trained and taught good manners. In addition, pups need to be socialized and taught how to accept grooming, brushing teeth and so on. As a result, busy people with young kids or those who work five days a week outside of the home may not be able to provide the dog with all the care and attention that the small companion dog requires.

Good with other dogs: Coton vs Maltese

Cotons and Malteses are usually friendly with other dogs, provided they received a good amount of socialization from a young age. The small size of these breeds makes them vulnerable around unfamiliar dogs who may have a strong prey drive as a small dog may be seen as a prey and tragedies often happen in such cases. Owners of Coton De Tulear or Maltese breeds need to be selective as to which dogs their pets are introduced to. Never allow other dogs or people to treat the small dog in a rough manner. Puppies need to be exposed to lots of positive experiences in order to gain confidence and social skills that will help them to be comfortable around other people and dogs that they encounter during their life.

Maltese vs Coton De Tulear: Intelligence

Coton De Tulear breed is intelligent and easier to train than many other small breeds. Cotons are naturally inclined to please their owners, which is one of the reasons why Cotons take well to training. Malteses are also bright and enjoy mental stimulation that comes with training. Both breeds like to play with intellectually stimulating toys such as food dispenser for small breeds. These toys help to keep the dog busy and entertained for some time.

Maltese compared to Coton De Tulear: Trainability

Cotons and Maltese dogs can be successfully trained. Positive training techniques with lots of praise and healthy treats can produce impressive results with these smart dogs. Coton De Tulear, just like the Maltese enjoy basking in the owner's attention and they can get lots of attention during short and positive training sessions. Obedience training should ideally start early as puppies are more flexible and easier to train. Potty training is another important part of training that every owner needs to start early on and be consistent, gentle and patient with their pet in order to get best results as soon as possible. Pott training is not something that a dog can do on their own. An owner needs to actively participate and pay close attention to the dog during the first weeks of potty training. As soon as the dogs starts sniffing the floor and walking around in circles, take your pet to the designated potty area and have a small treat handy to reward the Maltese or Coton for doing the business in the right place. Choose a command word for potty training and repeat the word as the dog is peeing or pooping so that the dog could associate the word with the action. "Go potty" or "Do your business" are some of the examples. Never punish a dog for accidents that are bound to happen during potty training time. Instead, praise the dog for a successful action and ignore accidents. Be sure to use an enzyme cleaner that completely removes the scent of the dog's urine to prevent future accidents in that area. Dogs tend to choose an area where they can smell dog urine when looking for a toilet and leaving any trace of the smell of urine may trigger the dog to use that area as a potty area again.

Maltese versus Coton De Tulear: Barking

Maltese and Coton De Tulear breeds like to bark. Naturally inclined to getting as much attention as possible from their owners, Malteses and Cotons may use barking as one of the ways to get attention. Other reasons why Maltese and Coton dogs may bark include a stranger approaching their home or if the dog notices something unsual such as a strange sound or something else that is out of ordinary. Being left alone often is another reasy why so many companion dog breeds engage in recreational barking. Maltese or Cotons may bark to keep themselves busy or to express feelings of sadness when they are left alone. Excessive barking often develops as a result of the dog being left alone frequently.

Maltese vs Coton De Tulear: Exercise needs

Even small breeds such as the Maltese or Coton De Tulear require some daily exercise to stay physically and mentally healthy. A few walks around the block and some indoor or outdoor playtime can help to keep a Maltese or Coton in good physical shape. Longer leasurely walks can also be beneficial. If you notice that your dog is getting tired during a longer walk, simply carry the dog or bring along a pet stroller that can be used to keep your dog comfortable as you are walking.

Health issues: Coton De Tulear vs Maltese

Each breed has some breed-specific health conditions that an owner needs to be aware of. Maltese are prone to eye disorders and deafness. Hypoglycemia and liver shunt may also be an issue for this tiny breed. Just like the Maltese, Cotons may develop various eye conditions and luxating patellas. Owners of any dog breed need to start dental care early, while the dog is still a puppy to prevent various health issues that may be associated with poor dental health in canines.

Malteses versus Cotons: Dog behavior issues

Most behavior problems in Maltese or Coton De Tulear breeds develop when the owners are unable to spend a lot of time with the companion breed. Cotons and Malteses are prone to separation anxiety. They really dislike being left alone. Excessive barking may be an issue for both breeds. Other potential behavior problems may include difficulties with housetraining as owner's presence is an important factor that can help to achieve successful housetraining results sooner in both breeds. Inadequate socialization may result in various behavior problems from excessive shyness to fearful aggression towards other dogs.

A good way to help avoid development of unwelcome dog behavior is by keeping the dog busy with constructive activities that may involve playing with a treat dispenser toy when you need to step out and leave the dog alone. The toy will keep the dog busy while you are not there for some time. Also, make sure to walk the dog prior to leaving the pet alone. Walking helps to burn the excess energy and can help to relax the Maltese or Coton De Tulear, thus the pet will be more inclined to rest or sleep while you are away. If your dog is prone to chewing on your favorite shoes when you leave home, remove the shoes from the dog's access and leave some chewable toys for the dog to chew on while the pet is home alone. Preventing bad dog behaviors from developing is easier than working of fixing a problem that becomes habitual to your dog. Pay close attention to your pet and find ways to engage and keep your Maltese or Coton busy by preparing the dog by keeping the pet active prior to leaving and by supplying toys that the dog can use to stay busy while you are not there to supervise. Always let the dog use the potty prior to leaving him or her alone even for a short period of time.

Maltese and Coton De Tulear breeds compared: Popularity

The Maltese takes 33rd place in popularity ranking in the United States. Coton De Tulear ranks 81 of 193 and is less common in the United States than the well known Maltese breed.
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