- Corgi vs Dachshund
Dachshund versus Corgi

Corgi vs Dachshund

Dog breed comparison between Dachshund and Corgi. Differences and similarities between these companion dog breeds.

Difference between Corgis and Dachshunds

Dachshund vs Corgi grooming

Corgi vs Dachshund lifespan

Corgi vs Dachshund size

Dachshund vs Corgi shedding

Dachshund vs Welsh Corgi price

Dachshund vs Corgi temperament

Standard Dachshund vs Corgi origin

Dachshund vs Corgi good with kids

Corgi vs Dachshund companion dogs

Dachshund versus Corgi other dogs

Dachshund vs Corgi intelligence

Standard Dachshund vs Corgi trainability

Dachshund vs. Corgi barking

Miniature Dachshund versus Corgi exercise needs

Standard Dachshund vs Corgi health issues

Miniature Dachshund vs Corgi behavior problems

Dachshunds vs Corgis popularity

Corgi vs Dachshund loyalty to the owner

Corgi vs Dachshund
Corgi types compared

Comparison between Dachshund and Welsh Corgi breeds
Dachshund vs Corgi
Dachshund pros and cons

Dachshund vs Corgi

Dachshunds and Welsh Corgis were originally developed for very different purposes. While Dachshund is a hunting breed, with a fearless and confident temperament, Welsh Corgi are the smallest working breed that was primarily used for herding cattle. Dachshund breed comes in two sizes, just like Corgi. There are Standard Dachshunds and Miniature Dachshunds. And Corgis also have a larger type, known as Cardigan Welsh Corgi and a smaller Pembroke Welsh Corgi. Corgi and Dachshunds are versatile breeds that have some things in common and lots of differences in temperament, grooming needs and trainability that potential owners need to be aware of.

When comparing Corgi to Dachshund in temperament, both breeds are strong minded, affectionate towards owners and often indifferent or even suspicious towards strangers. Owners of Dachshunds and Welsh Corgis often refer to their pets as "big dogs in a small package". Corgi and Dachshund even have a big bark, more appropriate for a larger breed. Both, Dachshunds and Corgis tend to bark a lot. Corgis and Dachshunds make good watchdogs that know when to notify the owners of any strangers approaching their home by barking.

Welsh Corgi as well as Dachshund dogs have an elongated body with short legs, which makes these breeds prone to back problems, arthritis and joint issues. Owners of either a Corgi or Dachshund should avoid high impact exercises such as jumping or running up or down steep stairs with their pets, especially while the dog is still a puppy. This helps to prevent back or joint issues that may develop as the dog matures. Some owners get pet stairs or a dog ramp for Corgis or Dachshunds so that the dog could easily get on a couch or in the car without the risk of getting an injury.

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Corgi and Dachshund breeds are high energy dogs that need active owners, who can spend lots of time with the pet and provide the dog with physical exercise such as long walks as well as mental stimulation. Active adults of all ages and families with older children can find a wonderful family pet in either of these breeds. Corgi and Dachshunds have lots of energy and endurance that makes these dogs the perfect companions for long daily walks. Corgis and Dachshunds can live in an apartment, but owners would need to be able to spend at least an hour each day walking the dog to help channel the dog's energy in a positive direction. A bored and lonely Dachshund or Corgi may develop various dog behavior problems, from excessive barking to ripping up the furniture.

An ideal home for these breeds is a country home with a large, fenced yard, where Corgi or Dachshund can explore and keep themselves busy by running and playing. Apartment dogs need an access to a park where Dachshund or Welsh Corgi can get the much needed physical activity.

Dachshund compared to Corgi: Grooming

Smoothhairs (Dachshunds with the shortest coat type) are the easiest to groom, in comparison to Wirehaired and Longhaired Dachshunds and Welsh Corgis. Pembroke Welsh Corgis and Cardigan Welsh Corgis, just like Longhaired and Wirehaired Dachshunds require daily brushing to remove any dead hair and to keep the coat healthy and tangle free. Other daily grooming needs of Dachshunds and Corgis include brushing the dog's teeth with a canine toothpaste. Dog's nails need to be trimmed about once every six weeks.

Dachshund vs Welsh Corgi: Lifespan

Dachshunds have an average life expectancy of up to 14 years. Welsh Corgi, in comparison, live on average from 11 to 15 years of age. A dog's lifespan depends on many factors, including the dog's lifestyle, health, care, diet, and genetics.

Corgis vs Dachshunds: Size

Size comparison between Welsh Corgi and Dachshund dogs.

Dachshunds can be Standard or Miniature in size.
Miniature Dachshund male weight: 9 to 11 lb (4 to 5 kg)
Miniature Dachshund male height: 5 to 6 in (13 to 15 cm)
Standard Dachshund male weight: 16 to 32 lb (7.2 to 14.5 kg)

Standard Dachshund male height: 8 to 10 in (20 to 25 cm)

Welsh Corgi comes in different varieties that include Pembrokes and Cardigans. Pembrokes are slightly smaller in size than Cardigan Welsh Corgis.
Cardigan Welsh Corgi Female weight: 24 to 33 lb (10 to 15 kg)
Cardigan Welsh Corgi Male weight: 31 to 37 lb (14 to 17 kg)
Cardigan Welsh Corgi height: 10 to 13 inches (25 to 33 cm)

Pembroke Welsh Corgi Female weight: 22 to 29 lb (10 to 13 kg)
Pembroke Welsh Corgi Male weight: 22 to 33 lb (10 to 15 kg)
Pembroke Welsh Corgi height: 8.9 to 12 inches(23 to 30 cm)

Standard Dachshunds (the largest Dachshund variety) are smaller than Welsh Corgi dogs in both height and weight. Welsh Corgies are larger and more substantial than Dachshunds.

Dachshund vs Corgi: Shedding

Welsh Corgi dogs produce more shedding than do Dachshunds. Longhaired and Wirehaired Dachshunds have a longer coat than do Smoothcoated Dachshunds and shedding is more noticeable as a result in Longhairs and Wirehairs. Corgi shed throughout the year with more pronounced shedding during fall and spring. To manage the heavy shedding, try using a Furminator Deshedding brush that helps to remove most of the dead hair from a dog's coat. Using the Furminator regularly helps to manage even heavy shedding. Using Furminator outdoors makes clean up easier as there will be dog's hair flying around while you're brushing your Corgi or Dachshund.

Investing in a good vacuum cleaner is another way to help manage the amount of dog's hair around your home. Furniture and floors can be kept clean and free from dog's hair with regular use. Some vacuum cleaners are specifically designed for pet owners.

Corgis and Dachshunds compared: Price

Dachshund prices start at around $450 and up. Prices for Welsh Corgi puppies start at $300 and up. Many factors affect the dog's price that may include pedigree, age and training that the dog received.

Dachshund vs Corgi: Temperament

Corgi and Dachshunds are active and naturally alert dogs that need to spend most of the time with their owners to live a happy life. Both breeds need plenty of physical and mental activity during the day to stay busy. Dachshunds are fearless, confident and can be difficult to train because they are known for being independent thinkers. Corgi, just like Dachshund, can be stubborn and difficult to manage. Both breeds need to start obedience training early, while the puppy is still flexible and not as set in his or her ways as an older pet may be. Older Dachshunds and Corgi can be successfully trained, but the owner will need to put in more effort and patience into training an adult dog.

Dachshunds and Corgi are energetic and playful. Keep in mind that Dachshunds still have strong hunting instincts and may be tempted to pursue smaller animals. Corgi, on the other hand still retains some of that herding breed instinct and may try to herd children by nipping them at the heels. This behavior needs to be managed in puppyhood.

Dachshund vs Welsh Corgi: Country of breed origin

Dachshund originated in Germany.
Welsh Corgi breed was developed in Great Britain.

Good with kids: Dachshund vs Corgi

Active and playful Welsh Corgi and Dachshunds make great family companions for families with older, sensible children. Miniature Dachshunds may not be ideal for families with very young kids, because the mini Dachshund is too fragile and may accidentally get hurt while playing with small kids. Children should be taught to not pick up a dog as Dachshunds and Corgi have sensitive back that can get seriously injured if case the dog is dropped by accident. Keep in mind that only adults should be primary caretakers of Corgi or Dachshund dog. Children may forget to walk the dog, feed the dog and give the pet fresh water every day. Also, in case the pet is not feeling well, only an adult would be able to help as children do not have the necessary skills and experience to know what to do. Adults need to explain to children how to properly handle and treat a Corgi or a Dachshund. For example, kids should leave the dog alone while the pet is eating or resting. Getting a family pet is a wonderful experience that comes with lots of responsibilities.

Dachshund vs Corgi: Companion dogs

Dachshunds as well as Welsh Corgi dogs make great companion pets for the right owners. These breeds may not be the easiest to handle for a first time dog owner. Dachshund and Corgi needs early obedience training and a firm but kind leader in an owner. Corgi and Dachshunds can be stubborn and unwilling to be trained until the owner finds the right motivation. These breeds are known for their ability to make decisions independently, which can create additional challenge during obedience training. Ideal owners for Dachshunds and Corgi are active adults of all ages who want a big dog in a small package. Dachshunds and Corgi are active, curious and enjoy mental stimulation as much as physical activity. These breeds have plenty of endurance for long walks and owners ideally should be able to spend most of the time with a Corgi or Dachshund, enjoying the energy and loudness that come with owning one of these breeds. Miniature Dachshunds are probably the most suitable for living in an apartment. Even smallest Dachshunds need lots of exercise during the day and apartment dogs need several walks to spend the energy in a positive way. Welsh Corgi and Standard Dachshunds also can live in an apartment, but these breeds are most suitable for a home with a fenced yard, where the dog can enjoy some exploring and running around during the day.

Good with other dogs: Dachshund versus Welsh Corgi

Dachshunds and Corgi need early socialization in order to be comfortable around other dogs as they mature. Although Dachshunds and Welsh Corgi can get along with other dogs, some Welsh Corgi males may display aggression towards other strange male dogs. Corgi and Dachshunds that had the opportunity to be raised with other dogs tend to get along fine with other dogs in the household.

Standard Dachshund vs Corgi: Intelligence

Dachshunds and Corgi are both intelligent breeds that enjoy and need mental stimulation every day. Give your pet an interactive dog toy or a treat dispenser toy and watch what happens. Active playtime and obedience training help to further your pet's intellectual capacity.

Dachshund vs Corgi: Trainability

Corgi and Dachshunds are intelligent but at the same time can be stubborn and unwilling to follow any commands. Food motivation always helps to keep the dog's attention during training. Start training in a quiet place where there aren't many distractions. As the dog gets more and more comfortable following commands, try a different location with more distractions. Training sessions should be short and positive, no longer than 5 minutes at a time. You can have more than one training session per day but always make it a fun and positive experience for your pet. Although training a Dachshund or a Corgi can be difficult at times as these breeds are known for their obstinate and independent character, having a well behaved pet is worth the time and energy you put into obedience training. Do not expect fast results - Corgi and Dachshunds may take months before you can call yourself a proud owner of a well trained dog.

Dachshund compared to Corgi: Barking

Barking is something that Dachshunds and Welsh Corgi are very good at. If you don't like a loud dog, these breeds may not be right for you. Expect lots of barking from either a Corgi or a Dachshund. Both breeds have a "big" bark and by hearing their bark, many people may initially think that a deep and loud bark belongs to a large breed. Dogs bark for many reasons that may include asking for attention or letting the owners know that something unusual is happening. For example, if a stranger is approaching your territory, either a Dachshund or a Corgi will start barking. Both breeds make good watchdogs.

Dachshund vs Corgi comparison: Exercise needs

Exercise is very important for both, Dachshund and Corgi breeds. Active breeds such as Dachshunds and Corgis need at least an hour of walking every day to use all the abundant energy. Dogs that don't get enough exercise often start developing various behavior problems and channeling the energy in a positive direction can make a positive difference. Having a fenced yard can help to keep the dog active throughout the day. Access to a park is also great for Dachshunds or Corgi who live in apartments. Corgi and Dachshund have short legs and elongated body and should be kept in a healthy weight to avoid extra pressure on joints and on the sensitive back. Active dogs have a better chance of staying healthy well into the old age.

Health issues: Dachshund vs Corgi

Dachshunds and Corgi have short legs and a long body, which makes the dog's back more prone to injuries. Steep stairs should be avoided. Jumping during puppyhood should be minimized as young joints need to properly grow. If your Corgi or Dachshund likes to spend time on a couch or any other furniture, getting a pet ramp or pet stairs for your dog can help prevent spinal injuries associated with jumping. Both breeds may develop joint issues such as arthritis and hip or elbow dysplasia. Other health issues common for Dachshunds and Corgi include eye problems.

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Keeping a Corgi and Dachshund in healthy weight is important for overall health. Overweight dogs have many health issues associated with the extra weight. Breeds such as Dachshunds and Corgis are especially vulnerable to developing joint issues when overweight.

Dachshund vs Corgi comparison: Dog behavior issues

Dog behavior problems can develop in Dachshunds and Corgi dogs if these companion pets are left alone frequently and for long periods of time. A bored Corgi or Dachshund may engage in excessive barking, ripping furniture and finding other ways to entertain themselves and using their abundant energy. Potential owners need to make sure that they have plenty of time to spend with the pet companion every day, channeling the active dog's energy in a positive direction and keeping Corgi or Dachshund busy with mental and physical activities throughout the day. If you need to step out for some time and leave the dog alone, always walk the dog beforehand and leave some chewable or interactive dog toys for your pet to stay busy while you are away.

Dachshund and Corgi compared: Popularity

Dachshunds take the 13th place out of 194 in popularity ranking in the United States, according to AKC.
Pembroke Welsh Corgi is a popular breed, ranking 18 of 193 in popularity ratings.
Cardigan Welsh Corgi is significantly less popular than Pembroke Corgi and ranks 69 of 193 in popularity ratings in the United States.

Dachshunds are more popular in the United States in comparison to Corgis.

Corgi vs. Dachshund: Loyalty to the owner

Corgis and Dachshunds make loyal and dedicated pet companions. These dogs enjoy to be involved in all family activities and need to be around their owners most of the time.
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