- Corkie Cocker Spaniel Terrier mix
Cocker Spaniel and Yorkie mix


Corkie (Cocker Spaniel Terrier mix)

Corkie life span

Corkie size

Corkie temperament

Corkie grooming

Corkie training

Corkie dog (Cocker Spaniel Terrier mix)

Corkie dog imageWhat is a Corkie? Corkie is a designer crossbreed, a mix between an American Cocker Spaniel and Yorkshire Terrier. Being hybrids, Corkies are unique and each one of them possesses varying combinations in appearance and personality. This is because Corkie dogs usually inherit different traits from their parents and by varying amounts. Corkie pups from the same litter may feature different physical as well as temperament traits due to different genetic combinations.

Corkies are generally small to medium-sized dogs. They have medium silky coats that range from Yorkshire Terrier's multi-shades to the Cocker Spaniel's solid shades. Corkie is lively, mildly energetic and bubbly in temperament, and they also have jovial attitudes that make them fit into many different family arrangements. Corkie can fit into any big or small family including single individual families. The important factor for Corkies is how much time they are able to spend with their owners - people who work outside home during the day may not be suitable owners for this sociable dog that needs to spend most of the day with the human family. Families with older kids can enjoy watching Corkie getting along just fine with the children. Families who have younger kids may have to wait for the children to reach a more independent age before getting a demanding pet such as Corkie.

With a good-looking face that will easily melt your heart, these little dogs are always eager to please their owners. Corkies make great family companions when they are brought up in the recommended ways. But most importantly, you need to note that Corkies are very sensitive canines, which can easily lead them into being snappy and unpredictable.

As a Corkie owner, you need to set specific boundaries, train your pet while utilizing positive reinforcement techniques, and you will have a loyal and loving canine in your home. Corkie is yet to be recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC) as an official dog breed, but is already recognized by several hybrid clubs.

Corkies' coat is usually silky and can have a length that is medium to long. However, due to the varying traits of this breed, some can shorter coats. Even when mature, Corkies tend to have shorter legs in proportion to the elongated body. While all Yorkies are small, Cocker Spaniel breed can vary in size (English Cocker Spaniels, for example, are larger in size than American Cocker Spaniels), which ends up affecting the size of the resulting Corkie. As such, you should ensure to meet the parents of the Corkie to get a better idea of how big a size your Corkie can reach when full grown.

Corkies to a large extent are among the Yorkie mixes that have, over the past decade become so popular. This hybreed, also known as the F1 offspring results from crossing purebred Cocker Spaniels and Yorkies. When the F1 Corkie is crossed with a Yorkie or Cocker spaniel, the F1B offspring is produced. When the F1B offspring is crossed with an F1 Corkie offspring, an F2B offspring is a product. When the F1 Corkies are crossed with each other, F2 offspring are produced. When the F2 offspring are crossed amongst themselves, F3 offspring are produced. The generation can continue down the line.

You need to be aware that some breeders do offer mixes of King Charles Spaniel and the Yorkie, while others use the American Cocker Spaniel on subject, meaning the Corkie designer breed can vary significantly.

Corkie origin
The Corkie doesn't have a very deep history, but facts can be based on its purebred parents who have a rich history. Cocker Spaniels exist in two types: the English and American type. The origin of the English Cocker can be traced from the 14th Century in England, while the American originated from the United States in the 1800s. The English Cocker is believed to have arrived in the United States over the Mayflower in 1620 but was registered by the AKC in 1878. Both of these breeds were extensively used for hunting. The English Cocker was a little bit bigger with a height of 15 to 17 inches, while the American was 13 to 15 inches. They were used for flushing a type of bird known as the Woodcock. This dog was registered by the American Kennel Club in 1946.

The Yorkshire Terrier, as the name suggests originated in the 1800s from Yorkshire in England. They were used for hunting rats in the cotton mills to ensure the vermin population is kept down. Being hardy characters, these dogs were highly prized by their owners for the tough job they used to do as well as for their great hunting abilities. Due to their small size, Yorkshire Terriers used to sneak into houses as other hunting dogs were locked up in outside kennels. This made them to gradually become family favorites in the long run. Yorkie's hunting past may be traced in some Corkies who may display a strong hunting instinct. Small pets such as hamsters should be introduced to Corkies with great caution as some Corkies may treat them as prey.

Corkie Lifespan

What is the life expectancy of a Corkie? Being a small dog breed, Corkies enjoy a long lifespan that will range between 11 and 15 years. How long your Corkie will live depends on several factors including genetics, general health, lifestyle, feeding and general care.

Corkie Size

How big do Corkies get? Although Corkie is a fairly small dog, it isn't regarded as a toy breed. The genetic traits that this pooch inherits from the parents determines its physical characteristics including size. The Cocker Spaniel weighs 27 pounds and is 16 inches in height. On the other hand, the Yorkshire Terrier weighs 6 pounds and is 9 inches tall. This puts the Corkie at a size that ranges between 8 and 20 pounds in weight, and 8 to 14 inches in height, making the Corkie be a small to medium-sized dog depending on the parent that it favors more in terms of genetics.

Corkie Temperament

Going back to the Corkies parental heritage, these pooches are likely to have an inbuilt prey drive as a result of their parents' hunting abilities. When around other household pets, you need to ensure there's supervision, as these dogs could become unreliable and view other pets as prey. However, when socialized with the household pets early on, they will get along well with them, as many Corkies have a laid-back and sweet personality.

Generally, Corkie dogs are affectionate, playful, obedient and energetic. They are always very eager to show how much they love their owners, making them sociable and affectionate family dogs. They also get along very well and enjoy playing with children who handle them gently.

Corkies are quite small and cute but are known to be very sensitive. As such, they tend to be less tolerant of the tumble and rough family life compared to some other breeds. This is likely to make them feel threatened, and as a means of protecting themselves, they develop snappy behaviors as a response to anxiety. Curbing and counteracting these tendencies means the Corkie ought to be socialized as early as while still with the mother by the breeder. Going forward after acquiring the pup, you need concerted efforts to ensure you are constantly exposing your Corkie puppy to a variety of smalls, sounds and novel sights. Ensure that all of the new experiences are positive and enjoyable by your pet to help your Corkie view the world as a safe and comfortable place. Socialization is very important as it shapes your dog's personality and helps the dog to form the confidence your pet needs in order to be a pleasant pet companion in different situations.

As the Corkie Transitions to adulthood, you need to ensure this dog builds its confidence greatly. This is well achieved through positive reinforcement techniques, giving an assurance to the dog that its owner is always in control and there's nothing to worry about, which reduces the urge of snapping and the possibility of anxiety.

Due to their sensitivity, Corkies don't enjoy being left alone for long periods of time, as they are likely to develop separation anxiety which can cause destructive behaviors. Any Corkie likes to be showered with lots of affection and attention. Corkie will always love it when he's by the side of those they love cuddling and playing.

Corkies are very alert dogs and can be used as watchdogs. Corkie dogs can easily alarm you when they see or hear something out of the ordinary. The dog thrives on attention and always seeks the company of his or her family. When introduced and socialized at an early stage, these pooches are very gentle and even welcoming to visitors. While Corkies are friendly dogs that makes them great for families, some can be stubborn and hard to train.

Corkie's Exercise Requirements
How active are Corkies? The Corkie's cute looks can easily make you think this hybrid dog is about snuggles all the time. Corkie actually is a very active dog. Tracing back to their hardworking parent breeds, with the Yorkie being used for rat hunting while the Cocker Spaniel flushed out Woodchuck, then this fact makes more sense.

In order to keep Corkies happy, Corkies need at least an hour of exercise such as running off-leash and playing fetch. Without this kind of exposure, they may end up developing behavioral issues in addition to piling on extra pounds and becoming overweight. Corkie dogs also enjoy daily walks as well as sufficient time in a nearby dog park. To mentally stimulate your Corkie, you can offer interactive dog toys when he's spending his time indoors.

With exercise being an antidote to unwanted destructiveness and barking, when your Corkie is bored, he will really make a lot of noise. Just leaving your Corkie outside the yard alone can't be considered as sufficient exercise, since the Corkie enjoys when he's interacting and playing with the owner.

Feeding the Corkie
You need to provide your Corkie with the right kind of Nutrition to keep him energized, strong and healthy. That said, you need to purchase dog food of a high quality that includes natural ingredients without any artificial or allergic ingredients.

For dry dog food, feed your Corkie anywhere between three fourths and one to one and a half cups of dry kibble each day. Also, ensure to split this amount of food for your dog to have multiple feeding sessions per day depending on the size and activity level of your Corkie. Don't leave food out for your Corkie to free feed. You surely don't want an obese dog. If you include some canned food into the Corkies' diet, ensure to reduce the amount of dry food. The balance reduces any chance of your dog becoming overweight as well as the health issues that accompany this.

How to groom a Corkie?

Both Corkie parent breeds have silky and long coats. As such, your Corkie pup will have a medium to long soft coat. Are Corkies hypoallergenic? The Yorkshire Terrier parent is considered to be hypoallergenic. While no dog can be 100% hypoallergenic to favor allergic people, some of these traits can be inherited by the Corkie pup. However, you always need to remember that there's no guarantee for mixed hybrid dogs.

With a double, medium-length coat of soft, silky texture from the Cocker Spaniel, as well as feathering on the legs, ears, abdomen, and chest, Corkie will need to be groomed on a daily basis if it happens to take on the Cocker Spaniel's Coat. You can easily do this by using a metal comb and a slicker brush afterward. If good care isn't observed, you'll have to visit the groomer more often, as Corkie's fur is prone to tangles and mats.

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Yorkshire Terriers, on the other hand, are known for their long, silky coats. If the Corkie happens to take after this parent, its fur will absolutely grow and reach the floor if not trimmed. Actually, the Yorkies' hair is usually compared to human hair and will, therefore, need to be brushed regularly. The same could apply to the Corkie if the Yorkie genes work to their favor. Use a metal comb to separate the Cookies fur down till you reach the skin. You will then use a bristle brush to make its hair smooth. Finally, spread natural conditioning oils as recommended by your vet over the Corkie's coat.

You should also never overlook brushing the teeth of your Corkie. Brushing his teeth on a daily basis prevents tartar and plaque from accumulating. This also prevents your Corkie from tooth loss and dental diseases, scenarios that the Yorkie parent is predisposed to.

Also, ensure to clip the Corkie's nails when they get long. Ensure they don't make clicking sounds when the dog walks on the floor. When clipping, don't cut too far, as you may cause pain and bleeding to the Corkie. If your dog associates this with a painful experience, he will not cooperate next time he sees the clippers. Also, ensure to examine the ears for any infection or wax. Using a cotton ball and cleanser, give his ears a clean wipe.

Corkie training

How to train a Corkie dog? The Yorkshire Terrier and the Cocker Spaniel parents were both working dogs. As such, their jobs required a good level of intelligence as well as a high degree of independence. These traits have been implicated in the Corkie offspring, and these pups will definitely not give you a hard time to train since they show adherence to instructions.

Corkie Puppies
Corkies puppies are delicate and small. To ensure your Corkie pup remains safe without being hurt, these pets need to be handled with utmost care, more so when they are interacting with other animals or small kids.

You need to socialize your Corkie puppy early enough to ensure he grows up to be a friendly, confident and calm adult. As he gets older, this will make him feel more comfortable when meeting other dogs, animals, and new people.

Although the Corkie has a lot of brainpower, they also like making up their own mind. To trick your Corkie into thinking that it is excellent to obey your commands, these pups need to be trained early enough using positive reinforcement techniques that require reward-based offers such as praises and treats.

Also, don't make your Corkie realize that it's one particular person that is in charge. Otherwise, the dog will be naughty to the rest of the family members. It is, therefore, important for every member of the family to participate while applying consistent rules.

Generally, it's fairly easy to train your Corkie, as these dogs have a tendency to please their owners. In addition to the dog's owner establishing as the leader, spending sufficient time to properly socialize the Corkie is important. Those dogs that aren't well socialized grow up as timid and snappy dogs.

Potty Training the Corkie
Being an intelligent and smart dog taking on the obedience traits of his parents, Corkie will respond well to basic obedience training. But this doesn't mean it's a walk in the park though! Actually, this dog can develop snappiness and stubbornness if potty training is not conducted in the right way. You just need to be patient and follow the following steps:

Select a good spot outside your house such as a small lawn area, where you'll be taking your leashed pup every time. The smell of urine from previous soiling will encourage him to pee on the spot. Avoid completely cleaning the poop until the dog is completely potty trained. Apartment dogs may benefit from having an indoor dog potty area where the dog can pee or poop whenever the nature calls instead of waiting for a walk.

Teach your Corkie some elimination words once he does go potty. This can be "Go poop!" or "Go potty!" Give these commands to your dog whenever you notice he needs to go potty. This will happen eventually when you accompany the command with enthusiastic praises.

Always watch out for any signs that your Corkie needs to go potty. This mostly happens after he wakes up after some time has passed since his last potty and after eating or playing. The smaller Corkies have smaller bladders and will, therefore, have shorter potty breaks.

When it's night, confine your Corkie in a crate with a room for dog pillow for sleeping. In this case, the dog cannot pee on his sleeping area if he can hold it. Immediately you wake up in the morning, ensure the first task you do is to take your Corkie to the potty area. If he happens to have soiled his sleeping area, you'll just realize he hasn't yet grown to have a holding capacity. As such, you need to be waking up at around 3.00 am to take your Corkie for a potty break.

You could also ensure there's a dog door that is left open, where your dog can get out in your absence after the dog has learned to go out to the potty area by himself.

An important point to remember is that during the initial potty training process, ensure not to keep your dog outside playing. This could make Corkie get confused on whether to associate going outside with pottying or playing.

When all these are followed while adhering to positive reinforcement methods or praising and rewarding your Corkie, and without punishing him for accidents in the house, he will learn going potty fully.

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